
Prikaz objav, dodanih na november, 2024

Film: Tor des Géants - TOR 330 (2022)

  Prologue One day you will look down from the mountain and see how far you have come.  TOR is not just a race, it is a journey made up of sunrises and sunsets. The desire to do something almost impossible. Feel like a Giant.  It is primarily an experience. The relationship between man and nature. Between man and mountains. Where we feel how small and helpless we are compared to nature and the mountains. A transition where you open the door to other states of consciousness. Where most things become ridiculously irrelevant. When your world narrows in running, walk, eat, drink, rest and run, walk again... TOR is a story forever burned into our hearts, a story of efforts, passion and emotions. I am grateful to have been given it to live.  Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving there safely, in a handsome and well-preserved body, but rather with the screeching of the tires on the bends in clouds of smoke, well drained, fully formed and l...

Tor des Géants 2024 - Iskanje smisla in poti v vesoljnem kaosu

Other language than Slovene? Please choose: Moj namen je, da bi vzpostavil psihično stanje, v katerem bi moj pacient pričel eksperimentirati s svojo lastno naravo- tekoče stanje, spremembo in rast, v katerem ni nič več večno ustaljeno in večno skrepenelo.  Carl Jung Prolog Najprej so bile snežinke. In glasovi. Ali pa so bili to zadnji trenutki? Morda sredi poti? Korak za korakom, noga pred nogo. Kdo sem in kaj sploh počnem tukaj? Osvetljen stožec naglavne svetilke je moj cel svet. In te prekleto bleščeče snežinke. Oči se mi zapirajo; tega utripanja in enoličnosti preprosto ne prenesem več. In ta veter – kdo bi ga že končno izklopil? »Hej, ti tam zgoraj, nehaj se šaliti z menoj! Izklopi že to pihanje, dovolj je bilo, dovolj!« Slišim težko dihanje, kot bi se zaganjal stari parni stroj. Ozrem se okoli, a skozi stožec svetlobe prodira le tema. Nikjer nikogar. »Halo, saj to je tvoje dihanje, cepec! Že dneve se tvoji lastni zvoki iz pljuč zlivajo v tvoje misli, ti očitajo, k...