
Prikaz objav, dodanih na januar, 2019

Turna smuka - Grose Speikkogel, Koralpe

Großer Speikkogel je z 2140m najvišji vrh Golice/Koralpe, pogorja ki se nahaja vzhodno od Wolfsberga. Z vrha, na katerem stoji križ in vojaška radarska postaja je lep pogled na Lavanttalske Alpe, Karavanke in ob lepem vremenu na Nizke in Visoke Ture ter Kamniško Savinjske Alpe. Je Mariboru eden najbližjih in nezahtevni dvatisočak, na katerega se lahko pozimi, takrat, ko drugje grozijo plazovi, varno povzpnemo. Ravno sem si nabavil novo turno opremo (smuči in avtomate) in kljub temu, da se že 2 tedna komaj premikam zaradi bolečega hrbta, sem jih moral preizkusiti. S posledicami se bom ukvarjal v nedeljo :) Mirko Renčelj in Branka sta me prijazno povabila s sabo in z veseljem sem se pridružil, saj se zadnja leta v nenehnem hitenju naokrog premalo vidimo in družimo. Iz smeri Maribora se odpeljemo proti Dravogradu, prečimo mejo na nekdanjem mejnem prehodu Vič. Nadaljujemo skozi Lavamund (Labot), Ettendorf, Sankt Georgen, Sankt Ulrich do kraja Psildorf, kjer nas tabla usmeri v d...

Ultra trail in Oman - when the illusion becomes reality and reality becomes an illusion

This record is a story about how we overcame 138 km of Oman's desert mountains, and nearly 8,000 meters of altitude have passed, walked and climbed. The story of how we, following two sleepless nights, experienced the changed states of consciousness, which were written by Carlos Castaneda in his books, after the sunshine of the fragmented rocks. As his Don Juan Matus in the Mexican desert, we crossed the borders between the worlds, the borders between the visible and the invisible. On the journey to the unusual reality, we came into contact with spiritual beings in the form of animals or beings in the image of man. We've tried out the limits of our capabilities. One day after coming to the finish line, it was enough for me to close my eyes, and I had already seen invisible companions accompanying me on this march along the mountain desert. Elephants, camels, leopards, curly wrapped girls sitting on the trail. Men with turbans on my head who stood beside the hillsides and gre...